The Amazon Influencer Program Explained
The Amazon Influencer Program is a cool way I've been able to generate $1k a month for a very small amount of work a month. You are paid 1-5% commission for all the sales you generate from your video review.
You do not need to be a massive influencer because every video you make goes on the Amazon product page for all Amazon shoppers to see.
This is the easiest way of making money online i have seen since i started this in 2019. I have made a total of $3,000 in the last 2.5 months working less then 30 Minutes a Day on this side hustle.
I have made about 500 Videos which has taken under 3-4 hours to make and upload. im making roughly 5-700 a month off the amazon influencer program and 3-500 a month from other similar programs.
I have a friend that has been doing this over 1.5 years and he has over 5,000 videos and is making upwards of $15,0000 a month passively.
Grab Your Amazon Influencer Free Guide Below:
A free PDF guide on how to start the Amazon influencer program